Filed under: Alternative Investment, Art, Antiques & Collectibles, Transportation & Logistics, Auctions, Investing

A star-spangled chopper reportedly ridden by Peter Fonda in the classic film “Easy Rider” sold for $1.35 million, making it one of the most expensive motorcycles ever sold.
Auction house Profiles in History sold the bike over the weekend for far above the reserve price of $1 million. The chopper, known as the “Captain America” chopper for the name of Fonda’s character in the 1969 film, was owned by Los Angeles collector Michael Eisenberg.
The price came despite media reports that cast doubt on the authenticity of the bike. The Los Angeles Times reported that an earlier “Captain America” chopper had been sold that also claimed to be the last remaining of its kind from the film.
Fonda told the Times before the sale: “There’s a big rat stinking someplace in this.”
Perhaps we haven’t heard the end of this story. But for now, some reports say the bike — the real deal or not — is the most expensive ever sold at auction.
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Source: Investing