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Don’t let your retirement income run dry. Photo credit: Flickr/Mark Rain
Too many Americans feel like they’ve missed the boat for retirement. They haven’t saved enough and what they have saved isn’t providing enough income to pay the bills.
That doesn’t have to describe you. Investing in high-yielding stocks could be the lifeboat your retirement needs. And, what better boat to use than boring shipping related stocks like Nordic American Tankers , Seaspan , or Textainer Group .
An investment in Nordic American Tankers is an oil-fueled bet that has the potential to earn substantial dividend income as the company leases oil tankers to energy companies. While the company’s dividend payment is nearly as volatile as the price of oil, Nordic American Tankers still has a very long history of paying something to its investors each quarter.
Meanwhile, Seaspan and Textainer represent an investment in two different sides of the containership industry. Seaspan owns and leases out containerships on long-term charters to shipping companies. Textainer, on the other hand, leases out the containers to shippers on long-term leases. These long-term contracts enable both companies to pay solid dividends that continue to grow over time.
I’ve created the below slideshow to help you learn more about these three stocks. The presentation will show you how you can fuel some more income into your portfolio by getting to know more about Nordic American Tankers. While it will also providing details on a portfolio anchor like Seaspan as well as a dividend building block like Textainer.
How to get even more income during retirement
Social Security plays a key role in your financial security, but it’s not the only way to boost your retirement income. In our brand-new free report, our retirement experts give their insight on a simple strategy to take advantage of a little-known IRS rule that can help ensure a more comfortable retirement for you and your family. Click here to get your copy today.
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Matt DiLallo has the following options: short November 2014 $22.5 puts on Seaspan. The Motley Fool recommends Textainer Group. The Motley Fool owns shares of Seaspan. Try any of our Foolish newsletter services free for 30 days. We Fools may not all hold the same opinions, but we all believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.
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